Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Newcomer Q&A: Andy Ravel

Andy Ravel
#35, RHP
 What was the recruiting process like in getting you to commit to Kent State?

Coach Birkbeck came down and saw me in Georgia, I think that was the first time he saw me, back when Stricklin was here.  He was the one that kind of put the foot forward and got me on the road to Kent, as did my high school pitching coach because he went here and he played for Coach Birkbeck.  He knows what a great coach he is and what he can do with pitchers.

Every other school that I looked at didn’t have everything.  They had some things, but not the full package, and Kent State did and that’s why I chose it.

You were drafted in the 21st round this past June.  What was that experience like?

I was currently graduating from high school.  My dad had my phone and I guess everyone knew before I did.  I was walking out of graduation and everyone kept saying congratulations.  I thought they were just congratulating me on graduating, but they didn’t say anything to anyone else behind me or in front of me, so I didn’t really know what was going on.  Then they told me 21st round and I still didn’t know what they were talking about.  Finally when I got out to see my parents they told me that I was drafted by the Diamondbacks in the 21st round and I put two-and-two together.

Everyone was congratulating me and it was unbelievable.  Then I called the Diamondbacks and talked to them and they said they drafted me and that we would negotiate the money and stuff a little bit later, and to embrace the moment and congratulations.  That was probably the best thing that ever happened to me in baseball so far was getting drafted.

What swayed your decision to come to college and to not go pro?

I talked to a lot of people.  I talked to guys who went straight out of high school and guys who went to school.  I think for me it was just that my body wasn’t ready.  I think that mentally I was ready, but not physically.  I was only 150lbs, not able to go through a professional season, which is more intensive than a college season.  Everyone said the college experience is something you need and it will allow you to get bigger, better and stronger.  That, along with Coach Birkbeck, I knew he would get me ready to go better than the 21st round.

How did you think fall ball went?

Fall ball was great.  I think I did okay.  I think I could have done better but I showed well.  The coaches said I showed well and I might have a fight for a starting position on the weekend, which is pretty cool as a freshman.  That just gives me more incentive to work harder.  Overall as a team I think we looked really good.  The swings got better as we progressed through the fall.  Seeing the pitchers live every day helped them get their timing down and shake the rust off from the summer and get back in to things.  I think we’re a real factor in Omaha this year.

What is the biggest thing you think you bring to this team?

I would say intensity.  I’ll give it my all every time.  I’m never going to take a day off.  I’m just trying to make the guys around me better along with myself.  If I can help in anyway, if that’s in the bullpen, starting, cheering, anything, I’ll be glad to do it.

What’s the one area you want to work on the most this winter?

Putting weight on.  I need to get bigger.  I already put 11lbs on so hopefully I’ll keep that up.  Just getting stronger so my body doesn’t hurt as easily and I can withstand a little bit more.  Strengthening my arm and just working with Coach Birkbeck on pitching in general.

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