Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Newcomer Q&A: Conner Simonetti

Conner Simonetti
#34, 1B

How did you end up at Kent State?

I was recruited by Coach Stricklin.  He saw me play in a tournament this summer in Syracuse and approached my parents and said that he was interested in talking to me about coming here.  From there, the recruiting process started.  I came on my unofficial visit in August and then my official visit in October, and then I followed up two weeks later and I committed.  That’s how I ended up here.

You were drafted out of high school this past June.  What was that experience like?

Interesting.  You’re really sitting by the phone for three straight days waiting to get called.  But it’s a fun experience.  I’m glad I had the opportunity to go through it so hopefully if it happens again I’ll know more about it than I did to start off.

Did you have any thoughts of going pro or were you set on coming to college?

I was considering it, depending on the amount and the round.  But after the second day passed, I was pretty much set on coming to college.  I was just hoping that it happened so I could have the experience of it more than anything.

What did you take out of fall ball this year?

Our team has a chance to be really good.  I knew they lost a few really good pitchers and players last year due to the draft, but we have a chance to be really good, and the coaches are great.  I couldn’t have asked for anything more, and I think everyone kind of feels the same way, which is good.  I think we all kind of understand that if we keep pushing then we’re going to eventually get to where we want to be and hopefully make it back to Omaha.  So I think that’s our goal right now, and I think we all feel that’s a possible goal.

What do you think is the biggest thing you bring to this team?

I think as a freshman, my attitude.  It’s hard to be super vocal as a freshman because we have a lot of guys who are vocal and are respected because they’ve been here and they’ve done it before.  I think just having a really good attitude every day and bringing 100%, because if you do that and everyone else sees you doing that, then it pushes them, whether they’re a senior or a freshman, to give their 100% because they want to be just as good as you.

Former All-American and MAC Player of the Year first baseman George Roberts is here this fall interning with the team.  What’s that like having him help out?

It’s great; I love George.  He knows so much and I try to pick his brain as much as possible.  Cody too. Cody’s a pretty knowledgeable guy, so I try to pick both their brains.  They’re really good with pointing stuff out and helping me in more of a coaching manner and instructing me to do something because I’m doing it the wrong way, or something like that.  It’s nice that he’s back and that we all get along because he’s a good coach.

What is the one area you want to work on the most on this winter?

Other than being a better all-around baseball player, probably my approach at the plate.  It’s a totally different game than high school.  In high school you can get away with having bad swings because the pitching isn’t as good, but here the pitching is very good and your flaws are pointed out very quickly if you can’t hit the ball.  So, probably just my approach at the plate and trying to stay within myself.  I know a lot of people think as a freshman you have to do a lot to prove yourself.  So, just take it day-by-day and try not to push too much because then you don’t see results.

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